Dried & Dehydrated Products
WAFA’s Dried Fruits & Raisins
WAFA's Dry Fruits is an established name in supplying quality Dry Fruits & raisins. We take pride in ensuring the highest quality, with wholesome, tasty and pure products.
A number of countries that produce finest Dry Fruits & raisins are exporting to us. We check their quality quite stringently and serve hand-cracked and hand-sorted Dry Fruits & raisins to esteemed customers.

Golden Yellow AAA
Uniform Shape Berries Having Bright Yellowish Colour

Golden Yellow AA
Medium Size Berries Having Bright Yellow Colour

Golden Yellow A
Mixed Size Berries With Light Yellowish Colour

Malayar AAA
Light Brown Colour With Uniform Berries

Malayar AA
Mixed Size Berries With Light Brown Colour

Malayar A
Mixed Colour With Mixed Shape Berries

Black Brown A
Round Shape Berries With Black Brown Colour

Black Brown AA
Long Size Berries With Black Brown Colour

Black Brown AAA
WAFA’s Dehydrated Produce
we are India's leading manufacturer - exporter of dehydrated products we are recognized by many international importers for outstanding export performances. Our goodwill and reputation in the market reflects the quality of products we deliver to our esteemed customers.
And because we use only the most modern technology, WAFA's products are rich in food value, consistent in quality, highly economical and available throughout the year regardless of the seasons. No wonder they are favourites of Chefs in Middle East, Far East, South East & Europe
Uncompromising quality control practices and constant supervision by qualified food technologists made us leader in our industry and allowed us to maintain quality conforming to standards.

Onion Powder / Flakes

Garlic Powder / Flakes